Servicing for farm vehicles

Heat Exchangers: Three Central Tips for Prolonging the Service Life

The failure of the heat exchanger in your automobile can cause a lot of inconvenience. In simple terms, the breakdown of the component will lead to the inefficient management of the heat in the engine. Consequently, there will be a decline in auto function. Moreover, the cost of repairing a faulty heat exchanger can be high. Therefore, it is advisable to be keen on unit maintenance and care to prevent accelerated deterioration. Here are essential upkeep tips to increase the lifespan of your heat exchanger.

Clean the Unit

It is important to plan for proper cleaning of the heat exchanger to ensure optimal performance and longer service. In general, this unit is vulnerable to fouling after a period of usage. The fouling can be attributed to the deposition of duct, dirt and other particulate matter. Moreover, the metallic components are vulnerable to corrosion due to the exposure to moisture and chemicals in the engine. As a result, the surfaces of the unit might be coated in corrosion deposits.

You should ensure that the exchanger is cleaned periodically. Keep in mind that the feature will not stop working due to a little deposition of grime and debris. Some fouling is allowable and will not affect the core functions. However, once the surfaces are coated in filth, the efficiency of heat transference will decline. This could lead to operational inefficiencies, and the exchanger might even fail. Therefore, clean the surfaces using appropriate tools to eliminate particles and rust deposits.

Conduct Inspection

You should inspect the condition of the heat exchanger in your vehicle regularly. This is an important practice for preventing the deterioration of the unit. Simply speaking, if you check on the component frequently, you will identify minor problems and resolve them before escalation and complete failure. When assessing the condition of the heat exchanger, you should look for signs of damage. For instance, cracking and denting might occur due to unusual changes in temperature. Also, look out for excessive and uncontrolled corrosion on the unit. Additionally, keep an eye on signs of inefficient heat management in your vehicle.

Plan for Repairs

Finally, the heat exchanger should be repaired in a timely manner if there are problems. Ignoring the underlying issues detected through your regular inspection could lead to the complete failure of the unit and the subsequent need for an expensive replacement. It is advisable to plan for professional repairs by a professional auto service specialist. Avoid quick amateur fixes because they could cause more harm. 
