What Does the Check Engine Light Mean on My Dashboard?

When you first jump into your car and switch on the ignition an array of lights will spark into life on your dashboard. Usually, all of those lights will then disappear when you crank the engine and it starts. Consequently, you may not pay any attention to them any more, except when something like the check engine light flickers into life. But what does this really mean? What's Going on?

Four Simple, Yet Perhaps Not Intuitive, Tips When It Comes to Looking after Your Car

Looking after your car can pay dividends over its lifetime, but there are some relatively straightforward things you can do to help along the way, which you might not have thought about before. What simple tips should you consider? Short Trips Cause More Wear and Tear Did you know that if you only use your car for short commutes back and forth to work, this can actually cause more wear and tear to the engine than if you did perhaps ten times as much mileage on an annual basis?

Five Critical Tips When It Comes to Car Servicing

Many people treat a car like a simple commodity. Yet for the average person the automobile is one of the largest investments they will make. It makes sense, therefore, to pay attention to how you treat your car and never to just "wing it." What should you be doing to look after this valuable investment? Keep up with Servicing Some people think that car manufacturers are mainly in the business of making money and will always "

How Suspension Upgrades Can Extend Your Love Affair with Caravanning

If you have a love for caravanning or camping you may already have a van or trailer that you have used over the years. Yet you may be thinking about upgrading your experience, taking more people with you when you go on trips, or simply carrying more within your rig. In this case, you need to consider the capabilities of these vehicles and whether or not you need to upgrade the suspension.

How To Tell If Your Manual Transmission Gear Synchronizers Need Replacing

There are those people who love the ease of driving with an automatic transmission, and there are those who enjoy the sense of control a manual transmission gives them. As one of the latter, you need to be aware of all types of potential manual transmission issues so you can spot the warning signs. With summer coming, many people take the opportunity to drive more for both weekend getaways and end-of-year holidays.

What to Look for If You Have Air Conditioning Problems in Your Car

As the summer season rolls around and temperatures begin to spike, more attention will be paid to the interior comfort of your car. If you suspect that your cooling system may not be functioning properly, it's time to take action before the real heat arrives. What are some of the symptoms of a failing air-conditioner and what can you do? Recharging If it's been some time since you serviced your air conditioning and it simply doesn't seem to be getting cold enough for your liking, it probably needs to be recharged.

Problem With Your Brakes? 4 Signs that You May Need to Visit Your Mechanic

Many people get that sinking feeling when they believe that there's something wrong with their car. Yet it can be even more worrying if there appears to be something wrong with the brakes. What are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing so you can help your mechanic pinpoint the issue? Pulsing at Work Do you feel as if the brake pedal is 'pulsing' whenever you apply pressure to it?

Your Car Battery: Maintenance Tips To Prolong Its Lifespan

Although your car battery is designed to serve you for an extended period of time, this does not mean that it does not have an expiry date. This limit to the lifespan of your battery is referred to as its calendar life and will vary from one type of battery to another. In addition to this, the calendar life of your battery will also depend on the number of times that it is charged and discharged when in use.

Noises Coming From Your Rear Differential You Should Be Wary Of

Your vehicle's rear differential comprises numerous gears that have entwining teeth. Therefore, the effectiveness of this system ultimately depends on the precision of the different gears. This will be determined by how the individual gears are oriented in relation to each other as well as the amount of lubrication they are receiving when in use. When your rear differential begins to succumb to damage, one of the more common symptoms would be noises emanating from the system.

Do You Need to Replace Your Transmission Bearings?

Bearings can be some of the most hard-working components in any vehicle. You may have noticed some issues and symptoms with your four-wheel-drive car or truck and are wondering whether you need to replace the bearings. What are some of the symptoms that might signify that this is needed? Noisy Drivetrain One of the earliest symptoms associated with bearing failure (and specifically in the front of the vehicle) is a noisy drivetrain.